November 30, 2008

What is Switch?

"Switch" is a project I've created to help businesses to save energy, save the enviroment and save lives. No small order!

Switch is about creating opportunity - for those who don't have it; and sustainability - for all of us.

Switch is the presentation of donations to charities, raised through enrolling businesses to save energy. The initial presentations will take place on 4 February to mark the completion of the first stage of the project.

Why Do We Need Switch?

Right now, energy costs are going up while natural resources are being used up at a frightening rate. The developed world is using more and more energy, while people in lesser developed countries are going hungry.

If this carries on, eventually we'll run out of natural resources and be even less able to feed the growing population of the world.

Imagine a future where we use less energy while at the same time we provide more of what's needed within poorer communities. Just by switching off our lights and computers when we're not using them, we can save money for our homes and businesses. By donating just half of what we save in energy bills to poorer communities we can do so much to help them live better lives.

How Can You Get Involved?

To join Switch, click here to email me. It doesn't matter how much or how little you think you'll be able to save and donate - it will all help. We can talk about how you can save energy and how you can work out what you're saving and what you can donate.

Where Will the Money Go?

The money raised through Switch will be divided between a number of charities, including The Brooke Hospital for Animals. When I know which other charities will benefit, I'll post the details here. If you have suggestions for charities that will really benefit, post a comment to let me know.

Join Switch and start doing your bit to save energy, save lives and save the environment.