December 5, 2008

Switch Stickers

Have you ever noticed how, when you start thinking about something, like orange cars, you start seeing them all over the place? Well, since I started thinking about switching things off (I'm sitting in my office with the lights off, because the sun's shining outside and the natural light is flooding in!) I've been spotting stickers next to light switches, encouraging us to turn them off!

This is something I'd like to make available - stickers that we can stick on switches, to remind us to turn things off. Do you know anyone who produces such things? If so, please let me have their contact details, or ask them to get in touch with me through this blog.

Thank you to everyone who got in touch, following the newsletter I sent out earlier this week, telling people about this blog. Lots of positive feedback and a couple of meetings set up, to talk further about how people can get involved. I've also been put in touch with someone who sells things like energy saving light bulbs, so if you're wondering how you can get involved and save energy, save money and save lives, get in touch and I'll see what I can do to help.

Switch is a long term project and I'm not expecting miracles over night - it can take years to move a mountain - but I'm going to keep working away at this, a bit at a time and remember, all the way, that it's about helping you to save money and helping save lives. Click here to email me if you want to join in.

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