January 23, 2009

The Light Bulb Moment

Someone asked me recently how I got the idea for Switch. I was travelling home by train, late one Saturday night and we passed through Reading. I saw a huge office block, empty of people and yet with all the inside lights blazing! Not only that, but their two storey car park, which was empty of cars, was also fully lit. WHY? If there's no one there, why are the lights on?

That's what got me thinking about encouraging businesses to switch off their lights at night and save energy - and therefore money.

If you work for one of those businesses - whether in an office or a shop - that leaves lights switched on, ask yourself why. Do you really need to leave every single light on when you're not there?!?!

January 16, 2009

The Launch Dinner

The details for the launch of Switch have been finalised!

When? Friday 20 February 2009 at 7pm for 7.30pm
Where? The Shillingford Bridge Hotel, Wallingford, Oxfordshire
What? Three course dinner, wine and coffee
How Much? Just £25 per person. Buy a table of 10 and get a discount!

This will be a great networking opportunity for you and you'll also get to hear more about Switch and how you can get involved.

To buy tickets, go to www.Appletreeuk.com and click on the Switch link on the Home page.

January 9, 2009

Switch on Video

If you'd like to hear about Switch, click here to watch a short video of me talking about it!

January 8, 2009

Share Your Energy Saving Tips

Do you have a great energy saving tip that you'd like share with all our other readers?

Is there a product that you've bought recently that helps you save energy and money? Which websites do you go to for advice? What books have you read that can help?

Please add your tips to this thread by posting comments here. Feel free to add links to where we can go to buy the product/visit the website/find the book. And give yourself a mention too - you deserve it for sharing your energy saving tip!

January 6, 2009

Switch - the Launch and the Leader

A lot has happened since my last post - in particular two major advances have been made.

Firstly I was given the challenge of finding someone else to lead Switch. My good friend Gill Gee has risen to the challenge and is now in charge. Gill runs her own business (take a look at http://www.oceanwake.co.uk/) and is looking to raise her profile in her business community. We both think that Gill leading Switch is the perfect way for her to do this. So I have been relegated to official blog poster and Gill has also asked me to set up an email newsletter for Switch - I'll let you know when it's ready. I'll be publishing regular updates on the project.

The second piece of exciting news is that the official launch of Switch will be held on Friday 20 February 2009 at the Shillingford Bridge Hotel in Wallingford, Oxfordshire. The hotel is giving us a great price - tickets will be available very soon. The evening will be a chance for you to find out more about the project and how you can get involved. It will also be a chance for you to network with other business people, swop business cards and meet potential clients!

If you'd like to take a table at the launch dinner or sponsor the event, do get in touch with Gill - she's in charge now!