January 8, 2009

Share Your Energy Saving Tips

Do you have a great energy saving tip that you'd like share with all our other readers?

Is there a product that you've bought recently that helps you save energy and money? Which websites do you go to for advice? What books have you read that can help?

Please add your tips to this thread by posting comments here. Feel free to add links to where we can go to buy the product/visit the website/find the book. And give yourself a mention too - you deserve it for sharing your energy saving tip!


Unknown said...

Buy a Ewbank or Bessel long handled carpet sweeper to collect the fluff and crumbs from your carpets. It works as efficiently as a vacuum cleaner, is quicker than getting the vacuum out, is clean and saves power! Works a real treat. It's also fun to use something that's retro but is perfect for contemporary living.

Chantal Cornelius said...

For more energy saving tips, take a look at this website, which is full of energy saving secrets.


Gill Gee said...

A good way to get an idea of how good your loft insulation is, is when the roof gets covered in snow during the winter. If one part of your roof clears before any of the rest of it, that is where heat is escaping. More insulation is needed there. If your roof clears before some of your neighbour's houses, then you know your insulation isn't as good as theirs.

Conversely, if your roof still has snow when it's melted from all the other roofs around, then pat yourself on the back, your insulation is very good indeed.